I Made a Devlog Video! Go Watch It!

Behold, the video era…maybe.


Infinite Level game discussed: What Hides in Dreams

Oh, hello there!

I decided to try something a little different for this month’s “dev blog” and instead make a devlog video and upload it to YouTube. I’ve been thinking about ways I can better deliver progress on my games, not to mention shake up the usual write-ups that I’ve been doing for several years now. What more natural evolution is there than going from the written word to the video word? However, continuing down this path really depends on what you think of it. After all, it doesn’t make sense to keep making videos if nobody watches or enjoys them, right? So, I’m requesting you give the dev log linked above a watch, then use YouTube’s own systems to like or dislike the video and give feedback on it. The video itself is about ten minutes long and covers the basics of What Hides in Dreams, the tools being used, and the current progress at the time of recording. It also shows some development footage and even a brief clip of a new monster!

Depending on the view counts and the feedback I receive, I’ll either start making these a regular thing or go back to what I know and continue writing dev blogs each month like I’ve done. For the time being, expect to return to the usual monthly dev blog come March 1st. If, however, the demand is there, then March 1st may instead reveal a new video from me. By that point I’ll try to figure out what the plan will be for new videos, but I ain’t crossing that bridge until we get there, if we even get there at all.

That’s all from me…well, the “written me” at least. The “video me” has more to say. Go watch the video and give me your thoughts, and one way or another we shall meet again on the first of the month like we always do.

Until next time!

-Lance T.


Video Log - I’m Making a Horror Game All By Myself! (Sort Of)


How I Make a Horror Level